API Access

Get reports from API

Base URL: app.coana.tech

The following endpoints are available:

  • GET /api/v1/reports?projectUid=<uuid>
    Returns the 10 latest reports for a given project. The project id number can be found in the dashboard url.

  • GET /api/v1/reports/latest?projectUid=<uuid>
    Returns latest report for a given project. The project id number can be found in the dashboard url. Set includeVulnerabilityDetails=true to include vulnerability details.

  • GET /api/v1/reports/<id>
    Returns a specific report. The report id number can be found in the dashboard url. Set includeVulnerabilityDetails=true to include vulnerability details.

Report Type Definition

interface ReportEntity {
  id: number;
  createdAt: Date;
  projectUid: string;
  cliVersion: string;
  packageSpecifier: string;
  cliExecutionTimeMS: number;
  // Not available in lists
  vulnerabilityInstances: VulnerabilityInstanceEntity[];
  commitSha: string | null;
  branchName: string | null;
interface VulnerabilityInstanceEntity {
  id: number;
  vulnerabilityUrl: string;
  reportId: number;
  workspacePath: string;
  reachability: Reachability;
  details?: Details;
  // fields below may be null for legacy reports
  packageName: string | null;
  packageVersion: string | null;
  dependencyType: 'prod' | 'dev' | 'prod&dev' | null;
interface Details {
  cvss: {
    score: number;
    vectorString: string | null;
  cwes?: Array<{
    id: string;
    name: string;
    description: string;
  dependency: string; // name of the affected package
  name: string; // typically, also the name of the affected package
  range: string;
  severity: AuditSeverityType;
  source: number; // might change over time
  title: string;
  url: string;
  cve?: string | null;
  accessPathDescription?: string; // human-readable description of what Coana scans for when looking for occurrences of this vulnerability
type AuditSeverityType = 'INFO' | 'LOW' | 'MODERATE' | 'HIGH' | 'CRITICAL';
type Reachability = 'REACHABLE' | 'UNKNOWN' | 'UNREACHABLE';